We help you find the right solution for your business!
Te scapăm de toate durerile de cap cauzate de problemele IT menținând permanent focusul angajaților pe activitățile de business și astfel va crește nivelul de performanță al afacerii.
Diminuarea considerabilă a costurilor IT cu 30-50%, buget IT anual bazat pe obiective clar definite în urma auditului IT, creșterea eficienței și funcționare continuă a infrastructurii IT printr-un nivel ridicat al calității serviciilor IT oferite.
Intervenții rapide, siguranța și securitatea datelor firmei prin servicii de management al riscurilor și soluții persoanlizate de backup, sisteme de securitate antivirus și firewall perfect configurate și adaptate companiei tale.
ce ne diferețiază?
Nivelul superior de experineță al specialiștilor noștri garantează și pune la dispoziția dvs o echipă cu peste 19 ani de experiență în piața serviciilor de Mentenanță și Externalizare IT din România.
ce ne recomandă?
Multitudinea de clienţi mulțumiți ne recomandă si certifică nivelul superior al calității serviciilor noastre.
Dacă într-o lună, serviciile IT oferite de echipa noastră nu sunt la nivelul calitativ așteptat, aveți posibilitatea să nu plătiți abonamentul pe luna respectivă, serviciile prestate fiind oferite gratuit.
+50 EQUIPMENTS- Number of interventions/verifications at headquarters: UNLIMITED
- Time of interventions included: UNLIMITED
- Priority in solving problems: YES
- Time of response at request: Maxim 1 H
- Time of response for resolve incidents in mod remote: Maxim 1 H
- Time of response for resolve incidents at headquarters: Maxim 3 H
- Monitorization ProActiv 24/7 for critique IT equipments
- SSD Hosting Web and Email free: 100 GB
- IT Type Support offer by us: Help-desk, e-mail, phone, chat, remote, headquarters inerventions.
- Free IT Equipment in custody included: YES
25-50 EQUIPMENTS- Number of interventions/verifications at headquarters: 10
- Time of interventions included: 25 H
- Priority in solving problems: YES
- Time of response at request: Maxim 1 H
- Time of response for resolve incidents in mod remote: Maxim 1 H
- Time of response for resolve incidents at headquarters: Maxim 3 H
- Monitorization ProActiv 24/7 for critique IT equipments
- SSD Hosting Web and Email free: 50 GB
- IT Type Support offer by us: Help-desk, e-mail, phone, chat, remote, headquarters inerventions.
- Free IT Equipment in custody included: YES
10 – 20 EQUIPMENTS- Number of interventions/verifications at headquarters: 4
- Time of interventions included: 10 H
- Priority in solving problems: YES
- Time of response at request: Maxim 1 H
- Time of response for resolve incidents in mod remote: Maxim 1 H
- Time of response for resolve incidents at headquarters: Maxim 3 H
- Monitorization ProActiv 24/7 for critique IT equipments
- SSD Hosting Web and Email free: 25 GB
- IT Type Support offer by us: Help-desk, e-mail, phone, chat, remote, headquarters inerventions.
- Free IT Equipment in custody included: NO*
1-5 EQUIPMENTS- Number of interventions/verifications at headquarters: 1
- Time of interventions included: 5 H
- Priority in solving problems: YES
- Time of response at request: Maxim 1 H
- Time of response for resolve incidents in mod remote: Maxim 1 H
- Time of response for resolve incidents at headquarters: Maxim 3 H
- Monitorization ProActiv 24/7 for critique IT equipments
- SSD Hosting Web and Email free: 5 GB
- IT Type Support offer by us: Help-desk, e-mail, phone, chat, remote, headquarters inerventions.
- Free IT Equipment in custody included: NO*
* Optional extra price
Services included in IT MAINTENANCE Subscriptions Packs:
- Mentenanță echipamente IT (Hardware & Software), menținerea permanentă echipamentelor IT la nivel opitm de funcționare;
- Mentenanță rețele de date și voce;
- Mentenanță echipamente Scan & Print și consumabile (Reîncărcare sau achiziție consumabile contra cost);
- Servicii consultanța, analize si audit IT;
- Consultanță achiziții echipamente IT;
- Rapoarte lunare de activitate, probleme identificate si soluții rezolvare;
IT MAINTENANCE Hardware & Software:
- Verificarea echipamentelor hardware & software;
- Verificarea/curățarea de fișiere temporare periodic;
- Optimizare echipamente IT, rețele de date și voce, sisteme de operare și software;
- Diagnosticarea și remedierea problemelor observate;
- Depanare hardware;
- Mentenanță preventivă echipamente IT: 6 luni
- Curățarea echipamentelor IT de praf: 6 luni
- Soluții de securitate smart perfect adaptate pentru compania ta;
- Scanarea computere viruși, malware, spayware, etc;
- Consultanță în vederea evitării atacurilor de tip scam, spam sau alte tipuri;
- Securizarea cât mai avansată a datelor, echipamentelor și a rețelei, configurare firewall;
- Soluții personalizate de backup date;
- Implementare GDPR pentru firme, atăt firma noastră căt și echipa de tehnicieni IT este autorizată în implemetntarea politicilor GDPR.
A team with over 18 years IT experience
Security and efficiency for your businesss
Company Data safety and backup solutions
Custom SMART IT solutions
IT Support & Monitoring 24/7
Free IT Consultancy
Unique sale offer
HELPDESK IT is company that offers you free equipment to replace any equipment for all repair period!
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Collaboration with HelpDeskIT has proven to be one of the best decisions we have ever made since the company was established. The IT maintenance team always responds earnestly to our requests and has always provided us with top quality services. I recommend HelpDeskIT! It is a trustworthy partner, together with whom you can sign a long term collaboration
Initially, the flexibility and promptness with which the HelpDesk IT team promised to respond to our requests has attracted our attention. Immediately after starting the collaboration, we discovered a professional team of people with extensive experience in this field. I do not think there is an IT problem that will not solve it!
I have a growing project that needs permanent functional equipment and the maintenance period meant stopping any activity. HelpDesk IT is the only IT maintenance firm in Romania who replaces the equipment with new ones during repairs. That convinced me that I was making the right decision and appealing to the right people!